The journey back from postpartum PTSD
While more attention is (finally) being paid to mothers with postpartum depression, there is much less awareness among other postpartum disorders. While less common than postpartum depression, postpartum Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can also take a severe toll on new moms.
A survey by Harris Interactive for Childbirth Connection, a nonprofit maternity-care organization, showed that of more than 900 U.S. mothers surveyed, 9% screened positive for meeting all of the formal criteria for PTSD set out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM-IV, a handbook of mental-health conditions. And 18% of respondents had some signs of the disorder. Earlier studies in other countries estimated the prevalence of childbirth-related PTSD at 1.5% to 5.9%.
Stacy Heenan Biscardi recently shared her story of suffering with and recovering from postpartum PTSD. “The only battles that I fought were in the delivery room and the ER, but the trauma I experienced triggered anxiety, depression, flashbacks and nightmares that left me drenched in a cold sweat night after night,” she writes. Read her full story here. If you’re suffering from postpartum mood disorders, please reach out for help, both professionally and with your loved ones. You don’t have to do it alone.